Calendar of Events
United Nations Development Programme
Youth Leadership Programme IV Launch
Mosharaka - Mosharaka Regional Project
Amman - Jordan
10 - 12 May 2018
Click here to read about this event on our website
Amman - Jordan
The complex development challenges facing Arab countries require an effort to go beyond traditional approaches and responses and present an opportunity to tap into the creativity of citizens to develop innovative solutions. In response to the growing need to create alternative paths to action and social change, UNDP’s regional project on gender equality and women’s empowerment launched the Youth Leadership Programme (YLP) in 2015. YLP aims to build a generation of young leaders, thinkers, innovators and change-makers in the Arab region. 
YLP has completed its third year, with each year reaching more youth than the year before. In its first year, YLP1 brought together 40 young women and men from 18 Arab countries to nurture their creativity, strengthen their leadership skills, and help them realize their ideas to improve their communities (Jordan, September 2015). In its second year, under the theme “Innovation for Sustainable Development,” YLP2 supported more than 700 youth through national activities and culminated in a regional event for 70 youth (Kuwait, December 2016). In its third year, YLP3, under the theme “Accelerating Innovation for Sustainable Development,” supported more than 1,000 youth through national activities and culminated in a regional event for 100 youth (Egypt, December 2017). In January 2018, twelve YLP change-makers from across all three years took part in the ECOSOC Youth Forum in New York, where they presented the projects they developed during YLP and shared their vision for how youth can contribute to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
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Kawtar Zerouali
Manager, Mosharka Project
United Nations Development Programme
Regional Hub in Amman
11 Abu Baker Seraj Eddin, North Abdoun
Po Box 852303, Amman 11185, Jordan
Tel: +962 6 200 3178

Resource Guide

Other Information


Arrival day: Wednesday, 9 May


Session Description

8:00 pm

Welcome by YPL4 regional team

8:15 pm 

Networking Dinner


First day: Thursday, 10 May

Objectives of the day:

§  Participants become familiar with the vision, objectives and methodology of YLP4

§  Participants increase their understanding of Agenda 2030 and sustainable development concepts

§  Participants develop a gender-sensitive lens to working with youth, and get introduced to tools for integrating gender equality into their YLP activities

§  Participants start working on National Action Plans in their national subgroups


Session Description

8:00 - 9:00


9:00 - 9:20

Official opening remarks by UNDP representative and partners

9:20 – 10:00

Introductory session: YLP4 vision, objectives and methodology

Participants get familiarized with the vision, objectives and methodology of YLP4, setting the framework of regional launch workshop.  As well as, participants get inspired by success stories of former YLP participants and their social innovative actions.

10:00 – 10:30

Getting to know each other (speed dating)

10:30 – 11:30

Agenda 2030 for sustainable development and why/how does it matter for youth in Arab States Region?

Participants get introduced to Agenda 2030 and sustainable development concepts.

11:30– 12:00

Coffee Break

12:00 – 1:30

Incorporating gender equality in working with youth

Participants develop a gender sensitive lens to working with youth and get introduced to tools for incorporating gender equality in their YLP activities.

1:30 – 2:30


2:30 – 3:30

Open space discussion groups:

Innovation for sustainable impact: what can we do?

Through Open Space Technology, all participants will be invited to express their own insights, ideas or questions regarding the main theme of the YLP4 ‘innovation for sustainable impact: what can we do?’.

3:30 – 3:45

Introduction to National Action Plans : requirements and tasks

Participants are informed about the requirements for National Action Plans, as following:

§  Task 1: Defining objectives, outcomes and target groups

§  Task 2: Defining activities and measurement framework

§  Task 3: Developing work plan and conducting risk analysis

3:45 – 5:00

Working groups on National Action Plans

Task 1: Defining objectives, outcomes and target groups

·        Use UNDP’s “analyze your portfolio” tool to identify opportunities/ways for YLP4 to fit into participating organizations’ programmes

·        Use UNDP’s “develop a persona” tool to understand participating organizations’ target audience for YLP4

·        Use these inputs to inform the definition of objectives and outcomes


Deliverables: objectives, outcomes and target group defined

5:00 – 5:30

Reflection groups

At the end of each day, participants break into small groups of fives in order to discuss and reflect what they have learned through the workshop. Those reflection groups are meant to ensure a reflective learning space in which participants come together across countries.


7:00 – 8:00

Exploring Youth context in participating Arab Countries (A participants-led fair)

In this session, participants freely share their creative briefs about youth context in their respective countries, highlighting what they do. This session will help participants to get to know the various commonalities and specificities across Arab countries.


8:00 – 9:30

Official dinner with partners

All participants, guest and partners will be invited.


Second day: Friday, 11 May

Objectives of the day:

§  Participants become acquainted with design thinking process and other techniques and tools to promote, support and facilitate social innovation among youth

§  Participants develop their capacities to support youth political participation

§  Participants learn about UNITAR experience and good practices in Education and Training

§  Participants continue working on National Action Plans in their national subgroups


Session Description

9:15 – 9:30

Introduction to the schedule and the objectives of the day  

9:30 -  11:00

Design thinking as a process to foster youth social innovation

Participants get acquainted with the design thinking methodology, as a way to facilitate youth social innovation (using the Wallet Design exercise that will take participants through the entire design thinking process).

11:00 - 11:30


11:30 - 12:00

Team building activity

12:00 - 1:00

Supporting political participation of youth

Participants discuss the challenges that limit the political participation of youth in the MENA region, and find out new innovative solutions to support them.

1:00 – 2:00


2:00 – 3:30 

UNITAR experience and good practices in Education and Training

3:30 – 5:15

Working groups on National Action Plans

Task 2: Defining activities and measurement framework

·        Introduction to Social Innovation Camps/ Challenges/ Hackathons as means for engagement and collaborative solution-seeking

·        Use “ideation” exercise to brainstorm national activities


Deliverables: activities and measurement framework

5:15 – 5:30

Reflection groups

All Participants get back to their reflection groups to discuss and reflect on they have learnt. They should select one learning point to write down and post it on the reflection groups wall.


Third day: Saturday, 12 May

Objectives of the day:

§  Participants are introduced to UNDP and UNITAR branding and communication

§  Participants develop a vision and a framework for a regional network of youth-serving organizations

§  Participants continue working on National Action Plans in their national subgroups


Session Description

9:15 – 9:30

Introduction to the schedule and the objectives of the day 

9:30 – 10:30

UN branding and communication

Briefing all participants UNDP and UNITAR branding and communication

10:30 – 1:00

(include break) 

Working on National Action Plans

Task 3: Developing work plan and conducting risk analysis + finalising short presentation

·        Detail national activities, including how participating organizations in each country will work with each other

·        Detail timeline, responsibilities, risks, etc.

·        Prepare presentations


Deliverables: Short presentation of the key elements of their plans.

1:00 – 2:00


2:00 – 4:00

Short presentations of National Action Plans

Each country will submit the complete National Action Plan document (made up of the three tasks), and they will be requested to make a short (5 mins) presentation about key elements of their National Action Plans.

4:00 – 5:30

Way forward: visioning and planning for YLP4 Network

Participants build a vision for their YLP4 network

5:30 – 6:00

Workshop evaluation activity and closing remarks

List of Event's Documents

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Father’s name / اسم الأب
Short Name (as desired on conf. badge) / الاسم الثنائي(كما تريدونه على بطاقة الندوة)
Position / الصفـة
Organization / المنظمـة
Website / موقع المنظمة على شبكة الانترنت
Passport Details / جواز السفر
Nationality / الجنسية
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Postal Address / عنوان البريد


The aim of the Regional Programme is to serve as a bridge between country and global initiatives, and facilitate cooperation among countries sharing similar geographic, social and economic conditions. The work of the Regional Programme is an integral part of RBAS work. It represents four out of seven outcome areas of the UNDP Strategic Plan (2014-2017).

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Regional Bureau for Arab States

Amman Hub - Regional Programme

11 Abu Bakr AlSiraji Street,

North Abdoun, Amman 11183 – Jordan

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