Calendar of Events
United Nations Development Programme
YLP4 Regional Forum
Mosharaka - Mosharaka Regional Project
Tunis - Tunisia
14 - 17 Dec 2018
Click here to read about this event on our website
Tunis - Tunisia

Since its May 2018 launch in Amman, Jordan, YLP has been working in close partnership with selected 80 youth-serving organizations and 11 Country Offices to provide targeted and impactful support to 5,000 participating youth. YLP aims to integrate four core competencies for youth and youth-serving organizations at the regional, national and local levels, these are: 1) to improve the understanding of leadership as a concept and tool for young women and men to acquire gender equal, sustainable and innovative solutions to challenges facing their communities, 2) to build effective capacity among young  women and men to lead as SDGs ambassadors, 3) to forge networks among young men and women to exchange knowledge, stories, resources and skills, and 4) to strengthen the innovative initiatives and ideas of the young  women and men to implement, advocate and act on the 2030 agenda.

 In culmination of this work, the YLP Regional Forum in December will bring together 150 participants to foster discussions on regional needs for youth, exchange lessons learned, engage in a policy dialogue and provide technical support for the impactful and sustainable development solutions of our representing youth changemakers. Country Offices will select their three top youth leaders to attend the forum alongside UNDP partners, civil society organizations, private sector and national policy makers. The forum agenda will range from workshops on coding, pitching and evidence-based solutions to policy roundtables and mentoring sessions. In addition to providing expert support for youth in the Arab region, this multi-sector gathering will provide stakeholders with the opportunity to see firsthand the innovation potential of initiatives led by our young changemakers.

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Kawtar Zerouali
Mosharaka Project Manager

Resource Guide

Other Information
Country Offices will select their three top youth leaders to attend the forum alongside UNDP partners, civil society organizations, private sector and national policy makers. The forum agenda will range from workshops on coding, pitching and evidence-based solutions to policy round-tables and mentoring sessions. In addition to providing expert support for youth in the Arab region, this multi-sector gathering will provide stakeholders with the opportunity to see firsthand the innovation potential of initiatives led by our young change-makers.

List of Event's Documents

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The aim of the Regional Programme is to serve as a bridge between country and global initiatives, and facilitate cooperation among countries sharing similar geographic, social and economic conditions. The work of the Regional Programme is an integral part of RBAS work. It represents four out of seven outcome areas of the UNDP Strategic Plan (2014-2017).

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