Calendar of Events
United Nations Development Programme
Reducing Gender Based Violence and Promoting Women’s Empowerment through Livelihoods Programming
Mosharaka - Mosharaka Regional Project
Amman - Jordan
09 - 10 May 2018
Click here to read about this event on our website
Amman - Jordan
This two-day workshop will bring together practitioners working on livelihoods programming in situations of protracted crisis response and recovery with experts on GBV. It aims to: explore the risks and types of violence women and girls may experience in recovery settings and situations of prolonged displacement; review livelihoods programming in these settings; and map promising practices for increasing women’s empowerment and GBV prevention within livelihoods programming.

The workshop is part of UNDP’s global project on Ending GBV and Achieving the SDGs which aims to reduce GBV in pilot sites by testing, costing and evaluating different types of interventions, including integrating GBV prevention and response into sectoral programmes such as livelihoods and climate change. A pilot project focused on GBV-responsive livelihoods programming will be launched in the Arab States region in 2018.
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Kawtar Zerouali
Manager, Mosharka Project
United Nations Development Programme
Regional Hub in Amman
11 Abu Baker Seraj Eddin, North Abdoun
Po Box 852303, Amman 11185, Jordan
Tel: +962 6 200 3178

Resource Guide

Other Information


        9 May 2018








Welcoming remarks: Khaled Abdel Shafi, RBAS regional director


Objectives of the workshop:  James Lang,  UNDP


Participant introductions:  Sarah Martin

9.30 – 11.00

Panel Discussion:  Setting the tone


Gabriella Nassif, Institute of Women’s Studies in the Arab World.

“Risks, types and prevalence of GBV in the Arab region; the specific challenges for displaced and refugee populations” 


Sarah Martin, Independent Consultant

“Approaches to GBV programming for displaced and refugee populations”


James Lang, UNDP project on GBV and the SDGs

“Integrating actions to reduce GBV into livelihoods programming”


Q & A


Chair:  Frances Guy

11.00- 11.30


11.30 - 13.00


Timeline Exercise:  Mapping GBV risk and protective factors over the over protracted crisis to recovery and stabilization


Small group discussion at tables and posting cards on wall with timeline

This exercise will help deepen understanding of risk/protective factors and demonstrate how these change over time.


Plenary discussion:  what needs to change, and what can we enhance to reduce GBV

Summary of actions listing on white board or flip chart


Facilitator:  Sarah Martin











Panel presentations:  Livelihoods programming and womens empowerment in situations of protracted displacement what we know.  Some examples of what works

Nahla Hassan findings from UNDP review

Diana Arango – findings from World Bank reviews

NGO examples tbc





Examples of Gender-responsive livelihoods programming  ctd. 

Lessons from locally led responses.   

Facilitated discussion:  what can we learn from these examples?

       10 May 2018



9:00 – 9:15

Reflections from day 1 and objective


Facilitated plenary discussion: gender and GBV responsive programming for displaced and refugee women and families and women in vulnerable host communities

·        What evidence is there for what works?

·        What are critical elements that drive success?

·        What are the different entry points?

·        Sharing experience across the region:  where are similarities? What is context specific? What therefore needs to be reconsidered in future programming?

·        What are the common challenges? And what are effective strategies to address the different challenges?

 On flip chart

promising practices for gender and GBV responsive livelihoods programming


Facilitator:  Sarah Martin



11.15 – 12.30

Small Group Work (5 groups per country)

Each small group is tasks with creating a gender and GBV enhancement plan for an existing livelihoods project, or to design a new GBV responsive livelihood project for their country or setting



Small Group Report Back

Each group shares a short presentation on its discussions and conclusions




Plenary Discussion on Small Group Conclusions: are there easy wins that we could all implement? What needs more testing?

Next Steps and closing

Summary and discussion of the next steps and processes 

List of Event's Documents

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The aim of the Regional Programme is to serve as a bridge between country and global initiatives, and facilitate cooperation among countries sharing similar geographic, social and economic conditions. The work of the Regional Programme is an integral part of RBAS work. It represents four out of seven outcome areas of the UNDP Strategic Plan (2014-2017).

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