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United Nations Development Programme
Plenary Session On The SDG-Climate Nexus
ACRI - Arab Climate Resilience Initiative
Cairo - Egypt
20 Nov 2018
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Cairo - Egypt
Climate change is the single largest threat to achieving the SDGs. Unless urgent action is taken, climate change will lead to a rise in poverty, growing food and water insecurity, exacerbation of conflict and expanded levels of displacement. The Arab region is a case in point. The Arab region is already the world’s most water insecure and food import dependent region, and with temperatures in the region rising faster than the global average, social vulnerability is expected to grow across the region. This holds special implications for the half of the region facing situations of fragility and conflict. For these communities, the convergence of climate change and conflict is reshaping the prospects for recovery and resuming development pathways. To explore these issues, a plenary session is being convened by the League of Arab States, Arab Water Council, UNDP, UNEP-FI, UNISDR and WFP as part of Arab Sustainable Development Week. The plenary will take the form of a Davos style discussion between the moderator and panelists on ways in which climate change is reshaping prospects for achieving SDGs on poverty eradication, food security, water access, and peace. It will also serve as a ‘pre-launch’ event for a new joint programme to support climate action at regional and country levels through a regional SDG Climate Facility project being initiated by LAS, AWC and partner UN agencies to build resilience of climate vulnerable communities across the region. 
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Kishan Khoday 
Team Leader in the Arab Region 
Climate Change, DRR, Energy and Environment 
United Nations Development Programme 
Regional Hub for Arab States 
Amman, Kingdom of Jordan 

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The aim of the Regional Programme is to serve as a bridge between country and global initiatives, and facilitate cooperation among countries sharing similar geographic, social and economic conditions. The work of the Regional Programme is an integral part of RBAS work. It represents four out of seven outcome areas of the UNDP Strategic Plan (2014-2017).

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