Calendar of Events
United Nations Development Programme
Preventing Violent Extremism in the Arab States
PSCAR - Promoting Social Cohesion in the Arab Region
Tunis - Tunisia
25 - 26 Feb 2019
Click here to read about this event on our website
Tunis - Tunisia
The objective is to create a better understanding of progress made at the national and local levels in the region, and how the context has changed over the last few years, while also benefiting from global knowledge generation including the recent UNDP conference in Oslo, Norway. Gaining insight into the local level applications will allow the region as a whole to showcase and share successful experiences as well as distil lessons on PVE relevant policy, programming and implementation. Working collaboratively will positively contribute to countries understanding of how current projects may be improved, or how future projects should be implemented. Additionally, information sharing throughout the region will increase understanding and potentially regional coordination.
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Kristin Hagegard
Mobile: +962 79 700 61 04


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REGISTRATION FORM / استمارة التسجيل
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General Information / معلومات عامة
First Name (as on passport) / الاسم (كما على جواز السفر(
Last Name (as on passport) / الشهرة (كما على جواز السفر)
Father’s name / اسم الأب
Short Name (as desired on conf. badge) / الاسم الثنائي(كما تريدونه على بطاقة الندوة)
Position / الصفـة
Organization / المنظمـة
Website / موقع المنظمة على شبكة الانترنت
Passport Details / جواز السفر
Nationality / الجنسية
Passport Number / رقم الجواز
Date of Birth / تاريخ الميلاد
Date of Issue / تاريخ الإصدار
Date of Expiry / تاريخ الانتهاء
Address / العنـوان
Phone / هاتف
Mobile / خليوي
Fax / فاكس
E-mail / بريد الكتروني
Postal Address / عنوان البريد


The aim of the Regional Programme is to serve as a bridge between country and global initiatives, and facilitate cooperation among countries sharing similar geographic, social and economic conditions. The work of the Regional Programme is an integral part of RBAS work. It represents four out of seven outcome areas of the UNDP Strategic Plan (2014-2017).

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Regional Bureau for Arab States

Amman Hub - Regional Programme

11 Abu Bakr AlSiraji Street,

North Abdoun, Amman 11183 – Jordan

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